
This blog has been created solely for entertainment purposes. I, Brian, take full credit for all improvements in your life commencing as of you visiting this blog and continuing for a reasonable period of time thereafter or until I discover a way to teleport through space and time, whichever is longer. I, Brian, accept no blame for any trouble you might get into because of me, including but not limited to: grounding, detention, retrenchment, bankruptcy, disfiguring thought experiments, the death penalty, and pregnancy. You have been duly warned... NOT to name the child Brian Lee jr- that would be too obvious. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


she made a cameo appearance in my dream even though it was about my dad taking over the house and changing it into a supermarket in which my room was replaced with the beverages and snacks section! had a reoccuring dream about riding on giant spiders and discovering the lives of indigenous people. and at their fish farm they were showing us the fishcake fish-just add eyes and a tail to your regular fishcake and voila! you have a fishcake fish! what's amusing is that everyone in my dream believed it so. haha including me! i have this theory that in your dream, everyone has the same level of intelligence as you do. so whatever you think, they think too, whatever you can do, they do too. after all, you're the dreammaker! your mind can't dream up of something that has acquired more knowledge than you should have. but what if you aren't the dreammaker, what if dreams are artificially made, what if dreams do come from the bfg.......