
This blog has been created solely for entertainment purposes. I, Brian, take full credit for all improvements in your life commencing as of you visiting this blog and continuing for a reasonable period of time thereafter or until I discover a way to teleport through space and time, whichever is longer. I, Brian, accept no blame for any trouble you might get into because of me, including but not limited to: grounding, detention, retrenchment, bankruptcy, disfiguring thought experiments, the death penalty, and pregnancy. You have been duly warned... NOT to name the child Brian Lee jr- that would be too obvious. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

months and days.be emo and pray.

january's early.
february's pretty.
march comes i'll be waiting.
april, fools- especially me. well,
maybe we could hook up before the
june holidays! cos
july's a month away from my
august crush. then goes forth
octo weeks to As
december disco lights.