Friday, June 26, 2009
mikey's gone
with tears and bloodshed, michael has inspired so many people around the globe... malaysians too...
mikey's dead. But a legend lives forever.

BUt, transformers was disappointing.... some parts were too draggy, some parts too short... especially the (GODBLESSTHE)minidress Isabel Lucas was wearing. foxy is up for some major competiton... isabel had this thing going you know the total Whip-Me-If-I-Misbehave-I'm-The-One-In-Control look... woo her acting was so purrfect that i thought she might just take out a whip from her panties and... OH MY she actually DID... and it was like OUTER SPACE kinky I TELL YOU!!!!... except for the fact that it was from outer space and made out of metal and was attached to her. Daydream shattered. Splat. Plonk. Bhish. WHEN FOR MY SAKE DID DECEPTICONS LEARN HOW TO TRANSFORM INTO SEXY BLUE-EYED ONE HIT WONDERS???!?!?! actually i don't mind... as long as they stay that way.